ЗАДАНИЕ №32 Определите, к какому... - вопрос №974895


Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.

I was very pleased to receive your inquiry of 5 June and enclose our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details requested. A full range of samples has also been sent by separate post. On regular purchases of q quantities of not less than 500 individual items, we wouldallow a trade discount of 44%.

a) Inquiry Replies

b) Cover Letter

c) Offer Letter

d) Advertising Letter


ЗАДАНИЕ№ 33 Выберитеправильныйвариантответа

1)Money paid by a government to reduce the costs of producing goods so that their prices can be kept low is a …
a)  tariff    b) franchise d) tax   e) subsidy

2).The desire of customers for goods or services which they want to buy or use is a …a) supply b) wish c) request d) demand

3) Selling the same goods for a lower price abroad than at home is …

a) taxation b) profiteering d) dumping e) a profit


ЗАДАНИЕ №34  Соотнесите начало и конец предложений

1. I`m at your … .                          a) object

2. I`m at your ….                          b) agree

3. I don`t ……                                c) depend on

4. That does not … me.                 d)  service

5. I…. with you.                             e) disposal



a) Inquiry Replies

1) e) subsidy
2) d) demand
3) d) dumping

1. I`m at your  d)  service
2. I`m at your  e) disposal
3. I don`t a) object
4. That does not c) depend on me. 
5. I b) agree with you.



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