5 Complete each second sentence... - вопрос №861450

5. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap. 1. What's the price of the tickets, Ben? (much) How _____ Ben? 2. Are these your trainers? (to) Do _____ you? 3. Mary's not keen on team sports at all. (like)Mary___ team sports at all. 4. It's only her second time in a recording studio. (been) She ___ in a recording studio once before. 5. We got here three hours ago. (have) We ____ three hours. 6. I started writing this hours ago and it's still not right. (writing) I ____ hours and it's still not right. 7. This is my first experience of flying alone. (time) It is the first ___ alone. 8. Peter's in the bath at the moment. (a) Peter ___ at the moment. 9. John enjoys surprises apart from on his birthday. (does) John ___ surprises, just not on his birthday! 10. Tommy never used to spend much time playing on his computer. (use) Tommy ___ spend so much time playing on his computer.


1.How much are the tickets, Ben?

2.Do these trainers belong to you?

3.Mary doesn't like team sports at all.

4.She's been in a record studio once before.

5.We have been here for three hours.

6.I have been writing for hours and it's still not right.

7.It is the first time I have been flying alone.

8.Peter is having a bath at the moment.

9.John does like surprises, just not on his birthday!

10.Tommy didn't use to spend so much time playing on his computer.


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