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1.Do you__workon Sundays. A)have to. B)must. C) should.2. I don't think you__stay out late. A) must. B) should. C) shouldn't.3. You__bring anything special to the party. A) don't have to. B) must. C) should.4. Naomi will get in touch__she hears any news. A) as soon as. B) while. C) until. 5. Please look after the children__l get home from work.A) until. B) if. C) while6. If i__ some money, l'll go on holiday next year. A) 'll save. B) saved. C) save.7. Will your parents buy you a car if you finish university? '____'. A) No, won't. B) No, they don't. C) No, they won't.8. Before i go out tonight, i__ finish this work. A) 'm going to. B) going to. C) am.9. Do you want to go ___? A) dancing. B) to dance. C) dance.10. Is coffee__ in Kenya? A) grew. B) grown. C) grow.11. Since 2001, all Skoda cars__by Volkswagen. A) were produced. B) are produced. C) have been produced.12. 'is a lot of paper wasted in your office? '____'. A) Yes, it was. B) Yes, it is. C) Yes,it has.13. If i ___a famous person, i wouldn't know what to say. A) meet. B) didn't meet. C) met.14. They__more money if they saved a little every month. A) would have. B) will have. C) would had.15. If you__me,what would you do? A) are. B) like. C) were.16. Emma is very busy so she__come to the party. She hasn't decided yet. A) mustn't. B) shouldn't. C) might not.17. Ed is tired because he__all night. A) hasn't worked. B) has been working. C) is working.18. You've got a lot of bags.___you___? A) Do/go shopping? B)Have/been shopping. C) Have/shopped.19. Dan was taken to hospital because he__his leg. A) breaks. B) has broken. C) had broken.20.'Had they met Kathy before the party'. 'Yes,___'. A) she had. B) they had. C) they did.21. Could you__me a favour and look after the children after school,please? A) make. B) get. C) do.22. Naples is__an exciting city. A) so. B) such. C) very.23. Lity gave__her jod and traveled round the world. A) over. B) away. C) up.24. John doesn't___much money as a waiter. A) win. B) take. C) earn.25. Can you__a photo of us, please? A) make. B) take. C) do.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

1. a) Do you have to work on Sundays?
2. b) I don't think you should stay out late. 
3. a) You don't have to bring anything special to the party.
4. a) Naomi will get in touch as soon as she hears any news.
5. a) Please look after the children until l get home from work. 
6. c) If I save some money, l'll go on holiday next year.
7. c) Will your parents buy you a car if you finish university? 'No, they won't'. 
8. a) Before I go out tonight,i'm going to finish this work.
9. a) Do you want to go dancing
10. b) Is coffee grown in Kenya? 
11. c) Since 2001, all Skoda cars have been produced by Volkswagen.
12. b) 'Is a lot of paper wasted in your office? 'Yes, it is.'
13. c) If i met a famous person, i wouldn't know what to say. 
14. a) They would have more money if they saved a little every month. 
15. c) If you were me, what would you do? 
16. c) Emma is very busy so she might not come to the party. She hasn't decided yet. 
17. b) Ed is tired because he has been working all night. 
18. b) You've got a lot of bags. Have you been shopping?
19. c) Dan was taken to hospital because he had broken his leg. 

20. b) 'Had they met Kathy before the party'. 'Yes,they had.'
21. c) Could you do me a favour and look after the children after school,please?
22. b) Naples is such an exciting city. 
23. c) Lity gave up her job and traveled round the world.
24. c) John doesn't earn much money as a waiter. 
25. b) Can you take a photo of us, please? 

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Анастасия Ильинична

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