Здравствуйте Помогите пожалуйста Раскройте скобки,выбрав... - вопрос №850114

Здравствуйте.Помогите пожалуйста.Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму глагола и поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму. There(is/are) a large table in my room. There(is/are)three windows in our classroom. There (is/are)a teble and two chairs in his room. There(is/are)a blackboard,four tables and five chairs in our classroom. There(is/are)a telegram on the desk. There(is/are)six books in my bag. There(is/are) a cup and fivespoons on the table. There(is/are)ten student here. There(is/are)a text-book and two exercise-books in my brief-case. There(is/are)eight institutes in our city.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

There is a large table in my room.
Is there a large table in my room?
There is no large table in my room.

There are three windows in our classroom.
Are there three windows in our classroom?
There are not three windows in our classroom.

There is a table and two chairs in his room.
Is there a table and two chairs in his room?
There is no table and chairs in his room.

There is a blackboard, four tables and five chairs in our classroom.
Is there a blackboard, four tables and five chairs in our classroom?
There is no blackboard, tables and chairs in our classroom.

There is a telegram on the desk.
Is there a telegram on the desk?
There is no telegram on the desk.

There are six books in my bag.
Are there six books in my bag?
There are not six books in my bag.

There is a cup and five spoons on the table.
Is there a cup and five spoons on the table?
There is no cup and five spoons on the table.

There are ten students here.
Are there ten students here?
There are no ten students here.

There is a text-book and two exercise-books in my brief-case.
Is there a text-book and two exercise-books in my brief-case?
There is not a text-book and two exercise-books in my brief-case.

There are eight institutes in our city.
Are there eight institutes in our city?
There are not eight institutes in our city.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

Другие ответы

1.There is a large table in my room. Is there a large table in my room. there isn't alarge table in my room.

2. There are three windows in our classroom. Are there three windows in our classroom. There aren't three windows in our classroom.

3. There  is a table and two chairs in his room. Is there a table and two chairs in his room. there isn't a table and two chairs in his room.

4.There is a blackboard,four tables and five chairs in our classroom. Is there a blackboard, four tables and five chairs in our classroom. there isn't a blackboard, four tables and four chairs in our classroom.

5. There is a telegram on the desk. Is there a telegram on the desk. there isn't a telegram on the desk.

6. There are six books in my bag. are there 6 books in my bag. there aren't 6 books in my bag.

7. There is a cup and five spoons on the table. is there a cup and 5 spoons on the table. there isn't a cup and 5 spoons on the table.

8. There are ten student here. are there ten students here. there aren't ten students here.

9. Thereis a text-book and two exercise-books in my brief-case. is there a text-book and two exercise-books in my brief-case. there isn't a text-book and two exercise-books in my brief-case.

10. There are eight institutes in our city. are there eight institutes in our city. there aren't eight institutes in our city.



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