Нужна помощь по английскому языку. - вопрос №849784

а) Compose sentences in Passive using the following words 1. To arrest, this, man, for murder. 2. An accused, yesterday, imprisonment, to sentence to. 3. This case, just, in the court, to deal with. 4. The investigator, now, to wait. в) Make up questions to the following sentences 1. The British government comprises three powers. (What?)2. All these thingscanbechanged atany time by new Acts of Parliament. (When?)3. The United Kingdom covers over 244,000 square kilometres. (How many?)4. Yes, the United Kingdom has an unusual constitution which is partly unwritten.5. The monarch can reign only with the support of Parliament. (Who?) с) Translate into English 1. Преступление было совершено вчера.2. Штраф налагается за превышение скорости.3. Отпечатки пальцев были только что обнаружены.4. Приговор объявляется (сейчас).

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а) Compose sentences in Passive using the following words.
1.This man is arrested for murder. 2. An accused was sentenced to imprisonment yesterday. 3. This case has just been dealt with in the court. 4. The investigator is being waited now.
в) Make up questions to the following sentences
1. What does British government comprise? 2. When can all these things
 be changed by new Acts of Parliament? 3. How many square kilometres does the United Kingdom cover? 4. What does the United Kingdom have what is partly unwritten? 5. Who can reign only with the support of Parliament?
с) Translate into English 1. The murder was commited yesterday. 2. Penalty is imposed for excess of speed. 3. The fingerprints have just been found.4. The verdict is being announced.

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