Once, when I was a... - вопрос №633905

Once, when I was a young man, I 1 in India. One evening, after 2 in the forest all day, I was returning alone to the place where I 3 my tent. It 4 dark, and I was., along a narrow path. On my right was a wide river; on my left, a thick, dark forest. Suddenly I 6 twogreen eyes 7 at me from among the trees. A man-eating tiger 8 ready to jump on me. What 9 _ I do? 10 _ I jump into the river 11 my life by swimming? I looked to the right. 12 an immense crocodile 13 and In the river welcome me with its mouth wide open. I 14 that I shut my eyes. I heard branches 19 the tiger jumped. What do you think had happened? The tiger ^6 right over me and was now in the jaws of the crocodile. 17 a true story, believe it or not. 1. A) was travelling B) was travelled C) travelling D) were travelled 2. A)hunt B) hunting C) hunted D) some hunting 3. A) had put on B) had put up C) had put off D) had put in 4. A) was get B) was got C) was getting D) getting 5. A) walked B) walking C) walk D) was walking 6. A) have seen B) had seen C) saw D) was seeing 7. A)look B) looked C)looking D) had looked 8. A) was get to B) was getting C) got to D) was getting to 9. A)can B) can have C) could D) could have 10. A) Shall be B) Shall С) Should be D)Should 11. A) hope save B) shall hope to save C) hoped save D) hope to save 12. A) there was B) there were C) it was D) it were 13. A) waiting B) waiting to C) waiting for D) waited for 14. A) was so frightened B) was so frightening C) was as frightened 15. A) moving as B) moving C) move D) moved as 16. A) has jumped B) had jumped C) was jumped D) was jumping 17. A) That is B) That was C) That's been D) That had been

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1) a
2) b
3) b
4) c
5) d
6) c
7) c
8) b
9) c
10) d
11) d
12) a
13) c
14) a
15) a
16) b
17) a

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