срочно1 What's the weather like... - вопрос №600360


1.What's the weather like today? 

2.Is spring your favourite season?(clothes,things to do) я люблю весну

3.What was it like yesterday? я делаю уроки танцую рисую играю со своей кошкой

4.What are your plans for the weekend?

5.What are your plans for the future?

6.Tell about your trip last summer? я была в крыму с бабушкой и дедушкой было очень весело купались в море катались накатере а также гуляли по набережной у меня остались хорошие воспоминания

last autumn? пошла в 6 класс увидела своих одноклассникав учителей.было 1 сентября день рождения у дедушки.мы очень весело его отпраздновали.

last year?

7.What do you do every day?

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

1- It is cold and cloudy today, the sun is not shining bright yet, as the spring has just begun. The air is fresh.

2 — Yes, spring is one of my favourite seasons. I love to see people wearing bright colours in their clothes, everyone is smiling around, it's sunny, first flowers. We spend more time outside with my friends, we go to the country and enjoy the nature. I love the smell of spring! It's fresh and inspiring.

3 — Yesterday the weather was still a bit chilly and cloudy.

4 — This weekend I plan to spend with my family and friends. On Saturday I am going to the cinema with my friends and later we will chill in some nice coffee-shop. On Sunday we are going to my granny's place to the country with my parents. We will have a barbeque there together with my aunt and uncle.

5 — In the future I am going to study at the University, then I will work at some good company and will make a great career, get married and will live a happy life.

6 — Last summer I spent with my grandma and grandpa in the Crimea. We had a lot of fun on the beach — swimming, riding water scouters. I really enjoyed evening promenade in the seafront. I have sweet memories of that summer.

Last autumn I entered grade 6, when I came to school I met all my friends, class-mates and teachers. It was great! The 1-st of September was my granddad's birthday. We had a great party at home, wished him good health, many happy returns of the day, granddad cut the cake and we had a lot of fun.

Last year I studied at school, had vacations, went to the Crimea in summer.

7 — Every day I get up early in the morning, do my morning toilettes, take breakfast together with our family and go to school. At school I meet my friends, chat and joke a lot, study hard during the lesson. After school I go home for lunch and some rest. Later I do all my homeworks, read, watch TV, chat with my parents. Later in the evening I prepare myself to sleep and finally go to bed.

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Выполнила работу за исключением вопроса о прошлом годе.


1. The weather is rainy (дождливая ) или cool (прохладная).

2. I like spring. или My favourite season is spring.

3.Ответить на вопрос:«Какая погода была вчера?» можно, к примеру так:

Yesterday the weather was fine.

4.On wekend I plan to my homework, dance, draw and play with my cat.

5.Вопрос:«Какие твои планы на будущее?»  Можно ответить, к примеру, так:

I plan to study well and enter the Univercity after school.

6. Last summer I was in the Crimea with my granny and granddad. It was very funny. We swem in the Sea and walked along the embankment. I have only pleasant memories.

last autumn? 

I became a pupil of sixth form, met my classmates and teachers. It  was the first of september, my grandfather's birthday. We celebrated it merrily.

last year? (перевод) В прошлом году.

7.Every day I go to school, do my homework and play with my cat.



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