Помогите пожалуйста поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам ( английский язык) - вопрос №598525

1) He
was shown the way to the station.


2) Children
are taught foreign languages at school.




3) The

4) This
will be shown in our club next week.

ctor has already been sent for.

5) We have
not seen this film yet.


Лучший ответ по мнению автора

1) Who was shown the way to the station?

What was he shown?

2) Who is taught foreign languages at school?

What are children taught at school?

Where are children taught foreign languages?

3) Вам нужно уточнить 3 предложение, оно сейчас некорректно указано. 

4) What will be shown in our club next week?

Where will be this film shown next week?

When will be this film shown in our club?

5) Who has not seen this film yet?

 What have we not seen yet?

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

Другие ответы

1)Who was shown the way to the station?
Where did he be shown?



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