Как правильно выполнить это задание? - вопрос №5472993

изображение из вопросаlighter, more effective and more natural products to meet the demands of the customer. 2. Skin care products are developed to cleanse, lone, moisturize, dry and scrub skin. 3. Cleansers, toners and moisturizers come in different forms for example creams, serums, powders and lotions, 4. Cleansers are ap- plied to wipe away grease, dirt, sand and oil that gather to collect in the pores. 5. Moisturizer is applied to smooth, cleanse and hydrate the skin. 6. Scrubs and peel masks are applied to remove dead skin cells and dirt. 7. The reasons why customers select skin care products include the packaging, the advertisement campaign and celehrity endorser, the taste, the scent, the hrand name, the skin suitability and the price. 8. Famous skin care product brand names include L'Oréal, Nivea, Adidas and Philosophy, 9. Campaigns targeted at women in- clude glamorous celebrities, bright, large, sensitive packagingand floral, natural scents, 10. Skin care products are available from drug stores, shopping malls, special shops, restaurants and over the internet.


Вам нужно найти лишнее слово в тексте. В тексте речь идёт о косметических средствах и брендах, производящих эти средства. Но одно слово лишнее. Это слово Adidas and philosophy. Это фирма, производящая кросовки.

Анастасия Ильинична

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