Hi Dan, I’ve just been round to my aunt’s to help her set 1 ___ her new television. I 2 ___ in all the right channels for her and showed how to - вопрос №5303896

Hi Dan, I’ve just been round to my aunt’s to help her set 1 ___ her new television. I 2 ___ in all the right channels for her and showed how to record films using the 3 ___ control. It’s working fine.

1 a. off b. up c. in d. out

2 a. tuned b. turned c. fixed d. changed

3 a. distant b. further c. remote d. farther

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Здравствуйте, Ирина! Можете обращаться ко мне напрямую, буду рада помочь.

1. b — set up

2. a — tuned in
3. c — remote control

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