Write the sentences in the reported speech: - вопрос №5130357

Write the sentences in the reported speech:
1.He said «I need more water».
2.She said «I will read the book tomorrow»
3.They said «It's not a problem».
4. She said «Are you Ok?»
5. The teacher said «What's your hometask for today?»
6. I said to him «Stand up and go to the board».
7. She said «I cooked this dish yesterday»

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1, He said he needed more water.
2. She said she would read the book the next day.
3. They said it was not a problem.
4. She asked whether I was ok.
5. The teacher asked what my homework for today was.
6. I told him to stand up and go to the board.
7. She said she had cooked that dish the other day.

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