Измените форму сказуемого, употребив Present Perfect Tense и обстоятельства времени данные в скобках! Помогите пожалуйста разобраться! Заранее благодарен Вам! - вопрос №5123825

Образец: I am writing a letter. (already)
I have already written a letter.
1) John spoke to me. (already)
2) He was reading a book. (already)
3) The students will go home. (just)
4) John saw his friend. (just)
Образец: I was in Novgorod last year. (never)
I have never been to Novgorod.
5) The young singer is in London. (never)
6) The father gave his son this book. (never)
7) The girl saw this film. (never)]
8) This pop group was in Siberia. (never)
Образец: I lived in Moscow in 1972. (since)
I have lived in Moscow since 1972.
9) Peter did not meet John in Moscow in 1976. (since)
10) The students did not speak English last year. (since)
11) Mike did not see Mary there in September. (since)
12) The girl did not read this book in her childhood. (since)
Образец: Nick is trying to lean driving. (this year)
Nick has tried to lean driving this year.
13) Your friends are writing a letter to their trainer. (this week)
14) He is leaving for Moscow.(this month)
15) I am learning grammar rules. (today)
16) The buliders are finishing their work. (this year)
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  • John has already spoken to me.
  • He has already been reading a book.
  • The students have just gone home.
  • John has just seen his friend.
  • The young singer has never been to London.
  • The father has never given his son this book.
  • The girl has never seen this film.
  • This pop group has never been to Siberia.
  • Peter has not met John in Moscow since 1976.
  • The students have not spoken English since last year.
  • Mike has not seen Mary there since September.
  • The girl has not read this book since her childhood.
  • Your friends have been writing a letter to their trainer this week.
  • He has been leaving for Moscow this month.
  • I have been learning grammar rules today.
  • The builders have been finishing their work this year.


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