Discuss the following with your group-mates: 1) What would you do if you were invited to make a round-the world trip in a boat as a member of an - вопрос №5087407

international team? In what capacity would you like to join the team if you went on a trip? 2) What would you do if you were invited to play a part in a movie? Why the decision? What part do you think you could play best? Why? 3) What would you do if you were left behind when travelling by train? 4) If you could be another person, who would you be and why? 5) If you could talk to a person from the past, who would it be and why? 6) If you had to give away a million dollars, without spending a cent yourself who would you give it to and why? 7) If you could live anywhere in the world where would you choose to live and why?


  • If I were invited to make a round-the-world trip in a boat as a member of an international team, I would be thrilled to accept the invitation. The opportunity to explore different cultures and landscapes across the globe is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If I were to join the team, I would like to be a part of the crew responsible for navigation and logistics. I am fascinated by the intricacies of maritime navigation and the challenge of working together with a team to ensure a smooth sailing experience.

    If I were invited to play a part in a movie, I would be ecstatic. I have always been interested in the world of acting and the art of storytelling. My decision would depend on the plot and genre of the movie, as well as the character I would be playing. If given the choice, I would love to play a character with complex emotions and motivations, as it would allow me to showcase my range as an actor.

    If I were left behind when travelling by train, I would try to remain calm and assess my options. Depending on the situation, I would try to contact the train authorities or the people I was travelling with to seek assistance. If I were unable to get help immediately, I would look for a safe place to wait until I could figure out my next steps.

    If I could be another person, I would choose to be someone who has dedicated their life to making a positive impact on the world. It could be someone like Malala Yousafzai, who has fought for education and women's rights, or Elon Musk, who is leading the charge in renewable energy and space exploration. I believe that being able to make a difference in the world is the greatest gift one can have.

    If I could talk to a person from the past, I would choose to speak with Mahatma Gandhi. He was an inspiring figure who fought for India's independence and championed the idea of nonviolent resistance. I would love to hear his thoughts on the current state of the world and how we can work towards a more peaceful and just society.

    If I had to give away a million dollars without spending a cent myself, I would donate it to organizations that are working to provide education and healthcare to underprivileged communities around the world. Education and healthcare are fundamental human rights that are often inaccessible to those living in poverty. By supporting organizations that are working towards these goals, I would be contributing to a better future for all.

    If I could live anywhere in the world, I would choose to live in Japan. I have always been fascinated by the country's culture, traditions, and technology. Japan has a rich history and is known for its incredible food, stunning architecture, and beautiful natural landscapes. I would love to immerse myself in the country's unique way of life and learn more about its people and customs.


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Анастасия Ильинична

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