дополнить предложения - вопрос №499249

1 A: They  say that global warming will cause climate change and floods.

В: Well,maybe all.......................

2. A: I head the other day that mountain gorillas will soon disapper. 

B: That doesn't bear...................

3. A: You're soaking wet!

B: I got caught..................

4. A: Strange weather for the time of year!

B: I know it's ........................... 

Вопрос задан анонимно
2 ответа

1. B. Well, maybe all can happen.

2. B. That doesn't bear to me. (Но лучше сказать I don't care)

3. I got caught cold.

4. I know, it's really very strange.


1. B: Well, maybe all of us should buy reusable products,use less heating and plant more trees in order to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.

2. B: That doesn't bear thinking about.

3. B: I got caught in the rain.

4. B: I know, it's unusually hot!

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