Грамматика - вопрос №495765

1)to give somebody hope and confidence a)to encourage b)to encoroach c)to enclose

2)to be in a difficult or dangerous situation a)to get into trouble b)to trouble c)to interfere

3)to stop attempting to do something a)to give away b)to give up c)to give off

Do you know idioms? Choose the necessary words to complete or explain them

1)It happened `out of the blue` means… a)itwas unexpected b) it was painful c)it happened from time to time

2)She has a rosy view of things, she… a) is naive b)likes pink colour c)has many rosy things

3) To eat like a bird means… a)to eat a lot b)to eat a little c)to eat grain

4)He`s playing first fiddle means he`s… a)a good musician b)a conductor c)a leader

5)If you do something at the last moment it means you do it… a) at the tenth hour b)at the twelfth hour c)at the eleventh hour

6)To keep fingers crossed means… a)to wish good luck b)to envy c)to be angry

7)To work round the clock means to work… a)all day b)near the clock c)from time to time

8)Jane knows the subject… a)from cover to cover b)inside out c)like hell

9)The rival hit him in the eye, so now he has a… a)purple eye b)blue eye c)black eye

10)To catch somebody… a)red-handed b)blue-eyed c)short-handed 

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1) a
2) a
3) b

1) a
2) a
3) b
4) c
5) c
6) a
7) a
8) a
9) c
10) a

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