15 - вопрос №495649

1)“What shall we do this evening?” – “I don’t mind. We … to the cinema.” 2) “I had a very boring evening at home yesterday.” – “Why did you stay at home? You … to the cinema.” 3)There is an interesting job advertised in the paper. You … for it. 4) “Did you go to the concert last night?” –“No. We … but we decided not to.” 5)“Where shall we meet tomorrow?” “Well, I … to your house if you like it.” везде или could come или could have come

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

Добрый вечер!

1) could come
2) could have come
3) could come
4) could have come
5) could come

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

Другие ответы

1) We could come to the cinema.

2) You could have come to the cinema.

3) You could come for it.

4) We could have come but we decided not to.

5) I could come to your house if you like it.


! Я бы в некоторых случаях использовала глагол to go вместо to come.



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