тест7 - вопрос №495105

1)I’d like to talk to you for a minute, Bill. (friendly) … I talk to you for a minute, Bill? 2)I would like to use your phone. (more polite). … I use your phone? 3)I would like to stop work early today. (formal) … I stop work early today? 4)Take my bile if you want to. You … take mybike. 5)Are children allowed to go into pubs? … children go into pubs? 6)I don’t want you to come into my room. You … come into my room. 7)I would like to speak to Jane, if she is here. (polite) … I speak to Jane, if she is here? 8)I would like to have a beer. … have a beer? 9)Are students allowed to use this library? … students use this library? 10)I would like to pay you tomorrow? … I pay you tomorrow? везде или can, could, may.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

1) may
2) could
3) may
4) can
5) may
6) can't
7) could
8) can
9) may
10) can

Лучший ответ по мнению автора


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