Люди помогите это СРОЧНО)) - вопрос №471471

PLEASE Люди помогите это СРОЧНО))

1)the lecturer asked students to _____ at the board

a) watch b) see c)look


2)a continuing television story which is about the hero's private troubles is called ____

a) soap opera b )western c ) comedy


3)Thank you for the cassete: I'm very ___ on music.

A) keen b) foun c) prefer


4) we had no car at that time. We __our old one.

a) sold b)have sold c) had sold


5) You can have that book. I __ with it

a)finished b) have finished c) had finished


1 — C

2 — A

3 — A

4 — C

5 — B



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