английский язык - вопрос №384020

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1.there is a round table in the middle of the room.2.there are many flowers on the windows.3.it is a modern two-storeyed cottage.4.there is study in our flat.5.i have a room of my own.6.there are many fruit-trees in our garden.7.we must go home now.8.pete lives on the third floor.9.the furniture in my room is modern andquite new.10.on the right you can see a standart-lamp.11.there is a settee in the comer of the room.12.there are many russian and english books in the bookcase.13.the floor is covered with abeautiful thick carpet.14.there are all modern conveniences in my aunt's flat.15.the clock on the wall is five minutes slow.

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1) Is there a round table in the middle of the room? There is no round table in the middle of the room.
2) Are there many flowers on the windows? There are not many flowers on the windows
3) Is it a modern <...>? No, it is not a modern <...>
4) Is there study in our flat? There is no study <...>
5) Do I have the room on my own? I don't have a room <...>
6) Are there many fruit-trees <...>? There are not many <...>
7) Must we go home now? We mustn't go home now
8) Does Pete live on the 3d floor? He doesn't live on the 3d floor
9) Is the furniture in my room modern and quite new? The furniture in my room isn't modern and quite new
10) Can you see a standart-lamp on the right? You can't see a standart <...>
11) Is there a settee in the corner <...>? There is no settee <...>
12) Are there many russian and english books in the bookcase? There are not many russian <...>
13) Is the floor covered <...>. The floor is not covered <...>
14) Are there all modern <...>? There are no modern <...>
15) Is the clock on the wall 5 min slow? The clock isn't on the wall isn't 5 min slow 

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Анастасия Ильинична

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