In each group (A, B, C) ONE word is missing in the three sentences. Fill in the gaps with ONE word. Use low case letters. For example: 1. I have ______ a mistake. 2. I am glad you _______ it. 3. It w - вопрос №2994831

In each group (A, B, C) ONE word is missing in the three sentences. Fill in the gaps with ONE word. Use low case letters.

For example:
1. I have ______ a mistake.
2. I am glad you _______ it.
3. It was hard but we _______ a significant profit.

Answer: made

A. What word is missing? 1. I can always see my tutor for ________ and support. 2. I took my teacher’s ________ and applied to Oxford University. 3. She always acts on her mother’s ____________. B. What word is missing? 1. He can’t help us. He’s out of the _______. 2. Try to _______ what life will be like in 100 years. 3. She always looks ___________- perfect. C. What word is missing? 1. Your stories are at _______s. 2. He used to do _______ jobs for a living. 3. I always revise for my exams. I never take exams on a/an ______ chance.




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