Помогите пожалуйста, английский. - вопрос №274831

1 A: Why was Tim so tired last night?

B: Oh, he ...had teen working… (work) hard all day.

2 A: I (go) to the cinema last night.

B: Really? What


3 A: Did you have enough to eat at the party?

B: Yes. Sarah(make)

a lot of food.

4 A: What (you/do) at eight

o'clock last night?
B: I
(watch) television. Why?

5 A: Colin! Look at yourself! Youare filthy!

B: I know. I(repair) my


6 A: I (do) something

really silly yesterday.
B: Really, what?
A: I (get) up and

(set off) for work as usual. I

(drive) for an hour before I

(realise) it was Sunday.

7 A: I (just/hear) some

incredible news!
B: What?
A: Jason and Emily

married last week in Las Vegas. Isn't that amazing?




 A: What 1) ...were you doing… (do) when I 2)

(call) at eight, Burt?

B: I 3) (work) in the garden

because the wind 4)

(blow down) the fence during the night.
A: Oh,5)

(you/manage) to fix it?
B: Yes, I 6)
(do) it eventually,

but it 7) (be) very hard

work. I 8)(ask) my neighbour

to help in the end. Why 9)

(you/call) me?
A: I 10) (want) to tell you

about the factory. It 11)

(close down) yesterday.
B: I know. The company 12)

(have) problems for a long time before they finally

13) (decide) to

close down the factory.
A: I 14)(hope) they would change

their minds about it, though. It 15)

(be) a part of the town for years.
B: Well, at least everyone who worked there 16)

(now/find) a new job.

That's good news.











Лучший ответ по мнению автора

2. I went to the cinema last night.

Really? What did you see?

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С уважением, Раиса!

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