Вопросы про космос на английском. 30 штук - вопрос №2669242

I. From the History of Astronautics (История космонавтики)

1. He made the first star catalogue. It is supposed that it contained a description of 42 constellations and coordinates of 850 stars. What is his name?

2. He did enough to recalculate the major components of the supposed orbits of the Sun, Moon, and planets around the Earth. Its attraction was because of its break with traditional doctrines: in particular, it opposed Aristotle, who had argued cogently for the fixity of the Earth; it provided an alternative to Ptolemy's geocentric universe. Who was this scientist?

3. He put forward several ideas about space travel. He believed humans would eventually colonize the Milky Way Galaxy. His idea of spaceship was based on the use of liquid fuels. His calculations were used in modern theory of cosmonauts and practical space travel, who was he?

4. This man was one of the founders of the Soviet space program and was one of the lead architects behind the first human spaceflight (Vostok 1) alongside Sergey Korolyov.After Korolyov's death in 1966, he became the lead scientist of the Soviet space program and was responsible for the launch of the first space stations from 1971 to 1991, including the Salyut and Mir series, and their precursors in 1967, the Cosmos 186 and Cosmos 188. What is the name of this man?

5. This cosmonaut went outside wearing a spacesuit connected to the capsule by a line which also carried his oxygen supply, becoming the first person to ‘walk’ in space. From the first experiments scientists went over to systematic exploration of space. He was also a talented artist. Who was this cosmonaut?

6. The longest time spent in the open space and the highest number of spacewalks. This cosmonaut during his flights into space completed 16 spacewalks of total duration of 82 hours and 22 minutes. What is the name of the cosmonaut?

7. She was the first person to use the robotic arm to retrieve a satellite, and the first woman to use the arm in space. She spent several years working at NASA headquarters where she founded NASA’s Office of Exploration. What is the name of this cosmonaut?

8. These two astronauts made the first untethered space walk in 1984. Who were they?

9.They were people who visited space as space tourists. How many space tourists were in the history of astronautics? What are their names? What is the name of the space tourist who visited space twice?

10. This museum offers a range of exhibits exploring the history of cosmonautics in the very space in which the Soviet Union first set up laboratories in the 1930s to research military rocket science. It was opened in 1973. The museum’s exhibits include rocket engines, a number of cosmonauts’ spacesuits, and even the space-dogs Belka and Strelka (taxidermied, of course) etc.

II. The Earth in the window (Земля в иллюминаторе)

1. What is the largest telescope in the world?

2. It is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying. What is this place?

3. We all know the names of the planets of the Solar System. Do you know what the names mean

4. The astronomers refer to it as a Sidereal Day. What is it? How long does it last?

5. As you’re probably aware, the Earth has one moon. It is really so?

III. The Earth messengers (Посланцы Земли)

1. In this silent film, a man travels to the Planet and leads a popular uprising against the authorities and attracts the love of Queen. What is the name of the film? When was it filmed?

2. It was the first living being that went to space travel. What was it?

3. This dog participated in many ground-based space experiments, but never made it into space. One of the pups was named Pushinka («Fluffy») and was presented to President John F. Kennedy's daughter Caroline by Nikita Khrushchev in 1961. What is the name of the dog?

4. On April 11, 2008, Russian officials unveiled a monument to this dog. It died within hours after launch from overheating. A small monument in its honour was built near the military research facility in Moscow which prepared the dog's flight to space. It features a dog standing on top of a rocket.

5. What qualities and characteristics does a cosmonaut have?

6. It was A.G. Nikolayev’s favourite song. What was its name?

7. They called them “star brothers”. One of them was A.G. Nikolayev, and the second person was… What was his name?

8. How did they call A.G. Nikolayev for lasting four days in an isolation chamber?

9. This condition is called “the effect of Nikolayev”. What does it mean?

10. This event happened on June 9, 1970. It was the first time in the history of cosmonautics. What event was it?

IV. It is interesting to know… (Интересные факты)

1. What happens if the cosmonaut falls out of the capsule in orbit, after accidentally opening the hatch?

2. How much do astronauts “grow” in space?

3. On this planet the sun rises in the west, and sets in the east? What is its name?

4. He is an armless, legless, human-shaped mannequin whose body is loaded with over 400 dosimeter sensors which collect data from galactic cosmic rays and other radiation sources in space. What is it?

5. The monument to this astronaut has one interesting feature – in the left hand of the astronaut squeezed…. What is squeezed in his hand? Who is the astronaut?

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