Put the verds in brackets into the correct tense АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК СРОЧНО! - вопрос №207371

Put the verds in brackets into the correct tense: <br /><br />Hi Jane, <br />I 0) am writing (write) to thank you for the lovely card and flowers you 1) ...(send) me last week when i was ill. It was very kind of you and they arrived just when I <br />2) ...(feel) very low so they really 3) ...(cheer)me up. I'm much better now and I 4) ...(already/be) back at school for a couple of days. <br />I have on awful lot of schoolwork. I 5) ...(never/be) so busy. For the last two nights, I 6) ...(study) until midnight to try and catch up. Anyway, thanks again. <br />Love, Claire

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 0) am writing 1) sent 2) was feeling 3)cheered  4)will already be back in a couple of days. I have an awful lot of schoolwork 5) have never been 6) have been studying

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