Помогите решить задание. - вопрос №1750309

Объедините все предложения в 2 группы: а) с конструкцией «сложное дополнение» и б) с конструкцией «сложное под¬лежащее». Переведите их на русский… язык. 1. Prices are expected to change as either demand for or supply of the good varies. 2. The United Kingdom is known to rely on indirect taxes rather than direct taxes. 3. When an economy has no transactions with the rest of the world, we say it to be a closed economy. 4. Some economists do not believe exports to depend on domestic in¬come. 5. The 19th-century economists said income from capital to be profit, whereas income from natural resources was said to be rent. 6. Imports are assumed to increase as much as domestic income does. 7. Economists consider higher tax rates to be able initially to bring in greater amounts of taxes raised but to result eventually in a fall in output level.
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