английский - вопрос №168513

Fill the gaps in the conversation with one of the following verbs in its correct form.


I was walking in town the other day when i met old Mr Brown,so we stopped and (a).........  for a while.He (b)…   me that his wife,Jenny,had been taken into hospital.It was just a routine check.I ©… him how Jenny was,and he (d)…  she wasgetting better.I (e)…  Mr Brown to give his wife my regards.He wondered why i hadnt been to the tennis club recently,so i (f)…  that i had been very busy and just hadnt had time.

There is something you must (g)…  me,Mr Brown suddenly said.How many languages does your son (h)............?

Four,i (i)…  Why?

Well,i know your son has some very funny stories to (j)…  about his trips abroad and his language learning.We are having a meating of the Travellers Club next week,and i had like him to come along and (k)…  to us.

I (l)…  that i would (m)…  to my son about it,and i promised to get back in touch with him.Then we (n)…  goodbye and went our separate ways. 


Лучший ответ по мнению автора

a) talked, b) told, c) asked, d) said, e) asked, f) explained, g) tell, h) speak,

i)replied/said, j) tell, k) speak/talk, l) said, m) talk, n) said

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