Здравствуйте) Помогите, пожалуйста, с английским языком, это очень важно! - вопрос №161916

1.after lunch you phoned someone. A. Who rang you? B. Who did you ring? 2. The policeman is interviewing the robber. A. Who is interviewing the robber? B. Who is the robber interviewing? 3.… is it from here to St. Petersburg? A. how far B. How long 4.… would you like to drink? A. Which B. What 5.… of brothersGrimm was the eldest? A. Who B. What C. Which 6. It's so cold today.… put on your warm coat? A. Why you haven't B. Why haven't you 7.// Your son didn't help you much,..? A. ..., did he? B. ..., had he? 8. They sent a letter the day before yesterday,..? A. ..., did they? B. ..., hadn't they? C. ..., didn't he? 9. There will be a nise film on TV tonight,...? A. ..., won't there? B. ..., will it? C. ..., will there? 10./ Neither your parents nor mine can lend us some money,...? A. ..., can they? B. ..., can't they? C. ..., do they? 11./ He never uses his car except when it's necessary,...? A. ..., doesn't he? B. ..., does he? C. ..., isn't it?

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1.after lunch you phoned someone.  B. Who did you ring?

2. The policeman is interviewing the robber. A. Who is interviewing the robber?

3.… is it from here to St. Petersburg? A. how far

 4.… would you like to drink? B. What

5.… of brothers Grimm was the eldest? C. Which

6. It's so cold today.… put on your warm coat? B. Why haven't you

7.Your son didn't help you much,..? A. ..., did he?

8. They sent a letter the day before yesterday,..? A. ..., did they? (лучше  didn't they но  такого варианта нет)

9. There will be a nise film on TV tonight,...? A. ..., won't there? 

10. Neither your parents nor mine can lend us some money,...? A. ..., can they? 11. He never uses his car except when it's necessary,...?  B. ..., does he?

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