АНГЛИЙСКИЙ - вопрос №160846

51. On … first of … June we shall take … examination in … literature. A)the, -, an, — B)a, -, an, — C)a, the, the, the D)the, the, -, — E)an, -, an, the

52. In … morning he had … breakfast in … hotel restaurant. After … breakfast he went for … walk. A)the, the, a, -, a B)a,-, an, -, the C)the, -, the, -, a D)the, a, -, -, — E)-, a, the,-,the

53. In my opinion, family is … emotional centre of … person’s life, … place where children are being raised. A)the, a, the B)an, -, — C)an, a, the D)the, -, the E)an, the, the

54. Baby- sitters … children while their parents go out. A)look up B)look out C)look after D)look for E)looking forward

55. My uncle died … the war. A)during B)while C)ever D)never E)for

56. My brother is going to the … to have his hair cut. A)concert B)supermarket C)butcher’s D)park E)hairdresser’s

57. Can you make me a cup of… please? A)coffee B)rice C)beans D)sandwiches E)coke

58. I bought Steve a new pair of… for his birthday. A)socks B)computer games C)shoe D)hands E)shirt

59. I phoned my uncle but he wasn’t …home. A)near B)with C)at D)in E)on

60. What time … it? About five to midnight. A)was B)were C)does D)went E)should

61. Why are you wearing your old clothes? Because I … to wash the car. A)must B)would C)am going to D)will E)gone

62. I don’t … my sister’s husband very well. A)run out of B)put up with C)go out with D)get on with E)look forward to

63. If I don’t know the meaning of a word, I will … it … in the dictionary. A)looking forward look out B)look for C)look up D)looking forward E)look after

64. I’m looking for my glasses. Have you seen … anywhere? A)this B)that C)them D)they E)it

65. The phone rang … I was having supper. A)while B)ever C)during D)for E)as

66. I’ve got a headache. Have you got any aspirin? Yes. It’s in the bathroom. I … it for you. A)will bring B)am going to give C)will give D)have given E)am going to bring

67. I must … the dog. She hasn’t been for a walk yet. A)go out with B)look forward to C)run out of D)get on with E)put up with

68. This wine tastes … vinegar! A)like B)look C)when D)as E)out

69. I … Andy for years. He went to the same school as I did. A)know B)had known C)knew D)have known E)was knowing

70. …! That glass is going to fall! A)look up B)look after C)looking forward D)look out E)look for

71. I lived in Paris… several years. A)never B)ever C)during D)for E)while

72. Don’t forget to tell me if I can help you. Thank you. I … a ring if I think of anything. A)am going to give you B)could give you C)had given you D)will give you E)would give you

73. Why are you making sandwiches? Because we … a picnic on the beach. A)will have B)are going to have C)had D)could have E)would have

74. I recently went back to the town … I was born. A)which B)who C)that D)where E)whose

75. How do you manage to … the noise from your neighbors? A)run out of B)get on with C)look forward to D)put up with E)go out with

76. Galileo Galilee died in 1642 –the same year that Isaac Newton was…. A)done B)lived C)died D)born E)happy

77. My aunt can’t … macaroons. A)like B)stand C)believe D)look E)eaten

78. My stapler doesn’t …. A)use B)work C)lose D)write E)broken

79. Go and find out … Jane hasn’t come to school and … she will come. A)Why, when B)That, if C)Whether, that D)When, where E)Why, that

80. Is it true … Lady Astor was the first woman … took a seat in Parliament?.. A)that, who B)-, which C)if, who D)that, whom E)that, which

81. She couldn’t tell us… he would come and … they would meet. A)when, where B)what, if C)whom, that D)where, whose E)what, whom

82. … the wheat … the barley will be slipped tomorrow. A)And, and B)And, that C)Both, and D)If, and E)Not only, and

83. We have received your telegram … your letter of the 20th May. A)as well as, B)or, C)that, D)if, E)but,

84. We agree to the terms of payment,… object to the time of delivery. A)and, B)but, C)as well as, D)because, E)or,

85. We object … to the terms of payment, … to the time of delivery. A)as, but, B)because, and, C)both, and, D)if, and, E)not only, but also,

86. The manager is … at the office … at the laboratory. A)not only, but, B)if, or, C)either, or, D)but, also, E)as, or,

87. People know … crises … unemployment. A)That, and, B)And, but, C)Either, or, D)Neither, but, E)Both, and,

88. Hurry up … you will miss the train. A)or, B)and, C)not only, D)if, E)as,

89. What have you been doing … I last saw you? A)as, B)after, C)since, D)as long as, E)before,

90. He … promised to help, … he placed all his books at my disposal. A)Either, or, B)Neither, but, C)Also, but, D)Not only, but, E)That, and,

91. He will be here … at 6 … at 7. A)Both, and, B)Neither, but, C)If, or, D)Not only, but, E)Either, or,

92. I left very early … I was to go to meet a friend at the station. A)And, B)Because, C)As soon as, D)If, E)But,

93. He was … tired … thirsty, for it was very hot. A)Not only, but, B)Both, and, C)Either, or, D)Neither, but, E)or, but,

94. … you miss your train, what will you do? A)After, B)Not only, C)Supposing, D)But E)Before,

95. I cannot do it … you do. A)and, B)if, C)through, D)not only, E)supposing,

96.… I wrote to him, I have had no reply. A)If, B)As soon as, C)Although, D)But, E)in case of,

97. You can use my fountain pen on condition … you are very careful with it. A)As long as, B)After, C)That, D)But, E)If,

98. I don’t know … he has finished the book yet. A)That, B)After, C)If, D)But, E)And,

99. I shall not go to the country … the weather is fine. A)Before, B)Since, C)Supposing, D)Unless, E)As,

100. I haven’t written to them … I came to Moscow. A)That, B)If, C)Before, D)After, E)Since,

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

51. A)the, -, an, —

52. C)the, -, the, -, a

53. C)an, a, the

54. C)look after

55. A)during

56. E)hairdresser’s

57. A)coffee

58. A)socks

59. C)at

60. A)was

61. C)am going to

62. D)get on with

63.C)look up

64. C)them

65. A)while

66. A)will bring

67. A)go out with

68. A)like

69. D)have known

70. D)look out

71. D)for

72. D)will give you

73. B)are going to have


75. D)put up with

76. D)born

77. B)stand

78. B)work

79. A)Why, when

80. A)that, who

81. A)when, where

82. C)Both, and

83. A)as well as

84. B)but

85. E)not only, but also,

86. C)either, or

87. E)Both, and

88. A)or

89. C)since

90. D)Not only, but

91. E)Either, or,

92. B)Because

93.  B)Both, and

94. C)Supposing,

95. B)if,

96. C)Although

97. C)That

98. C)If

99. D)Unless

100. E)Since



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