Английский - вопрос №139275

Write the dialogues using the cues. 1)A)You/be/brown!Where/you/be? B)We/be/on holiday. A)Where/you/go? B)We/go/Spain. A)When/you/get back? B)Last night.The plane/land/6.00 in the evening. 2)A)What/you/do/to your finger? B)I/cut/myself. A)How/you/do that? B)I/cook/and the knife/slip. A)You/put/anything on it? B)No.It is not that bad.

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1. a) You are brown! Where have you been?

b) We've been on holiday.

a) Where did you go? b) We went to Spain.

a) When did you get back? b) Last night. The plane landed at 6.00 in the evening.

2. a) What have you done to your finger? b) I've cut myself.

a) How did you do that? b) I was cooking and the knife slipped.

a) Have you put anything on it? b) No. It is not that bad.

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