Английский - вопрос №139236


Tick(+)the sentences where the relative pronoun is necessary.If it is possible to leave out the relative pronoun cross it out.1.Where are the scissors that i bought yesterday? 2.I want you to meet the woman who taught me how to drive. 3.The meal that you cooked was delicious. 4.I like animals that dont make a means. 5.The film that i havealways wanted to see is on TV tonight. 6.The flat that they bought was very expensive. 7.The room in our house that is most used is the kitchen. 8.I didnt like the meal that we had yesterday. 9.The people who work hre are very interesting. 10.The man who you were talking about has just come in the room.

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1.Where are the scissors that i bought yesterday?

  + 2.I want you to meet the woman who taught me how to drive.

3.The meal that you cooked was delicious.

+ 4.I like animals that don't make a mess.

5.The film that I have always wanted to see is on TV tonight.

6.The flat that they bought was very expensive.

+ 7.The room in our house that is most used is the kitchen.

8.I didnt like the meal that we had yesterday.

+ 9.The people who work here are very interesting.

10.The man who you were talking about has just come in the room.

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