Помогите!!АНглийский! - вопрос №138385

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Participle or Past Participle.

1.The hunters were absolutely silent ( follow ) the tiger's footsteps

2.The president climbed the stage, (follow) by his family

3.He arranged the whole trip for the English tourist (wish) to visit the mountains 4.She had to stay at the customs for 5 hours, (need) some extra medical papers for herdog to be allowed to enter

5.(shok) by his boss' terrible behaviour, Helen decided to quit the post.

6.(enter) the new phase of her life, she dyed her hair red and bought a dog.

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1.The hunters were absolutely silent  following the tiger's footsteps

2.The president climbed the stage, followed by his family

3.He arranged the whole trip for the English tourist wishing to visit the mountains

4.She had to stay at the customs for 5 hours, needing some extra medical papers for her dog to be allowed to enter

5. Shoked by his boss' terrible behaviour, Helen decided to quit the post.

6. Entering (или having entered) the new phase of her life, she dyed her hair red and bought a dog.

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