Здравствуйте, помогите пожалуйста! Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence. 1. Federal government … and … all national banks. 2.International cooperation between banks makes it possible - вопрос №1039544

it possible … imports and exports. 3. It is possible to convert American dollars to Swiss francs in … department. 4. All … banks make loans to borrowers. 5. If the importer buys … from another country he will pay for it in the currency of this country. 1 merchandise 2 commercial 3 foreign exchange 4 to finance 5 to supervise 6 to chapter

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1. Federal government 5) supervises and 6) charters all national banks.
2. International cooperation between banks makes it possible 4) to finance imports and exports.
3. It is possible to convert American dollars to Swiss francs in 3) foreign exchange department.
4. All 2) commercial banks make loans to borrowers.
5. If the importer buys 1) merchandise from another country he will pay for it in the currency of this country.

1) merchandise 2) commercial 3) foreign exchange 4) to finance 5) to supervise 6) to charter

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