Уважаемые эксперты, требуется ваша помощь! Вот по этой ссылке http://4book.org/uchebniki-ukraina/8-klass/573-anglij.. находится само задание - нужные... - вопрос №1011770

страницы 131 и 132, на них текст, называется он The Land of Great Britain. После текста идут 6 вопросов, на которые требуются ответы в соответствии с текстом. Заранее благодарю!

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

Здравствуйте, Денис.

1. The United Kingdom is situated off the north-west coast of Europe. 
2. The UK is called an island state, since all the countries comprised in it are situated on the islands: the two main of them are Great Britain and Ireland. Nothern Ireland and the independent Irish Republic are there. The two islands are separated by the Irish Sea. The UK is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. It is also washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the North Sea in the east. 
3. Yes, there are some rivers in the UK. The most important of them are the Thames, the Severn and the Clyde. 
4. I am aware of the fact that mountains in Great Britain are not very high. The Grampian Mountains are a mountain range of Central Schotland. It extends north-east to south-west and forms a natural barrier between the Highlands and Lowlands. Ben Nevis is the highest peak (1,343.8 m). The Pennines are a low-rising mountain range in northen England and Schotland. They are known as «the backbone of England». There are the Cambrian Mountains in Wales.
5. Foreigners are surprised by the fact that much of land in Britain is open country, because there are mny lonely hills, quiet rivers, deep lakes and farmlands, especially in the south of the country. 
6. The Union Jack (the flag of the UK) is made up of three crosses: the cross of Saint George, the cross of Saint Andrew, and the cross of Saint Patrick.

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